RCLC Conservation easements

Hathaway easement

Photo by Peter DobbinsIn March of 2000, Peter and Anna Dobbins recorded a conservation easement on six acres of their property outside Point Arena, California.

This became the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy’s first conservation easement (CE). The Dobbins chose to work with RCLC because “RCLC was our local land trust.”

The Dobbins have had a long-term interest in the environment and wished to preserve their property’s open space and wildlife habitat along Hathaway Creek.

This creek is an important part of the coastal ecosystem providing for a wide variety of birds, mammals and plants. In particular, the property possesses coastal scrub and riparian vegetation, prime habitat for the Point Arena Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra), a federally listed endangered species.

The Point Arena Mountain Beaver Recovery Plan (1998) has identified populations of Mountain Beaver on land immediately adjacent to the conserved property.

In addition, characteristic beaver burrow activity has been noted on the easement property. The Recovery Plan has identified conservation easements as a mechanism for protecting the species, habitat reservoirs and corridors between populations.

Peter Dobbins explains, “We all need to make some room for the wildlife. The (CE) procedure is relatively painless and the good lasts a long time.”

RCLC  welcomes questions from others who may be thinking about a conservation easement for their own property.  Find more information on easements.



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