In the news

April 15, 2020

RCLC public access sites now open to nearby residents

Letter to the ICO editor, 

In late March Redwood Coast Land Conservancy (RCLC) closed the Cooks Beach and Hearn Gulch public access sites we manage to comply with the public health shelter-in-place order issued by Mendocino County on March 24. That order has now been revised to allow some parks and recreation areas in the county to open to nearby residents.

With this revised order, RCLC has decided to reopen Hearn Gulch and Cooks Beach to make them available for recreation and the enjoyment of nature during this challenging time. At the same time, safety is our major concern, and we ask that those who use the trails and beaches observe safe social distancing to lessen the risk of contacting or spreading Covid-19.

Please note that the revised county order states that these areas are to be opened only for those nearby residents who can walk or bike from their homes or need to drive a short distance to find a safe place to exercise.

These RCLC public access sites are maintained by local volunteers with the financial support of our local community. For more information about these sites and the work of the RCLC, please see our website at


Christina Batt
RCLC President

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